You do not have to be Jamaican to join this Charity, any ‘friend of Jamaica’ will be welcomed.
You will be joining a well-established Charity that makes a positive contribution to the health service in Jamaica.
In addition, networking with a group of like-minded people, you will join individuals who are driven to put something back into the Jamaican community from which they originated or have links.
Membership Application
We are very grateful to our members and regular supporters who attend our fund raising events. However, we do need more active members who are prepared to join the committee and help take the organisation further to build on the success achieved so far. Tell us how you would like to help JHLOF.
Becoming a member of Jamaica Hospitals League of Friends is easy. Just complete and return the attached application form and we will confirm your acceptance shortly.
JHLOF Membership Fee
Members pay an annual fee of £20. Please send us your membership enquiry.