Charity activities and achievements in 2021: Reflections from the Chair
Here we are at the start of 2022! The New Year is a good time to reflect on the past year and plan for the future. The past year has indeed been difficult for all of us, and I understand many of you may be facing several challenges and uncertainties during this Covid-19 pandemic. Let us make every effort to stay safe, not lose hope but continue to pray for a brighter future.
Like other charities, JHLOF has faced numerous challenges in our efforts to support the health care system in Jamaica. We continued to have our regular committee meetings and remain connected to key stakeholders via Zoom and other online platforms. Nevertheless, our charitable efforts have seen some growth through collaboration with other charities focused on health and social care within the Jamaican Diaspora in the UK. These links have increased support for our charity. Equally, we value very much the support from the Jamaican High Commission and our Patrons.
Our goals to fill gaps in health service provision by delivering medical and health service supplies to Jamaica were accomplished despite the ongoing pandemic restrictions to fulfil the critical need for continued essential medical equipment. Opportunities for fundraising in 2021 have been minimal. However, our previous efforts, and ongoing regular donations from some supporters, enabled continued purchases of medical supplies and equipment for donation. In this newsletter we are proud to outline and reflect on the key achievements in 2021.
Thank you all for your ongoing support in making the past year productive against all the odds and we look forward to an even more promising prosperous 2022.
God bless you all
Dr Val Collington, JHLOF Chair
Greetings from JHLOF Vice-Chair
Hello to our friends and supporters of JHLOF. Firstly I must wish you and your family a very blessed and improved 2022. Hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. Secondly, we appreciate your faithfulness and ongoing support during these challenging times. We are looking forward to improvements in 2022 where we will be able to meet and have some fun/interaction.
Our Chair, Dr Collington has updated you on JHLOF activities and achievements with ongoing support of hospitals in Jamaica. I know they are experiencing severe demand on their already depleted services because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
May our Lord and Saviour pour out His unconditional blessings on you and your families.
Thank you again. Yours Sincerely
Stepheney McPherson-Sulaiman
Charity Donations in 2021
1. Last Shipment: A range of medical supplies and rehabilitation equipment was sent to the Health for Life and Wellness Foundation Ltd (in the Ministry of Health and Wellness) in September 2021. With the clear guidance received from them, and thanks to the very good customer service from the shipping company here (JP RAM Shipping Services) our donations arrived safely in Jamaica.
JHLOF did not name a specific health facility for the donation. When this happens the donation is handed over to the Ministry of Health and Wellness for them to make a determination which health facility should benefit based on the needs.
2. Purchases for donation from Jamaica Hospital Supplies, Half Way Tree, Kingston
It was decided that JHLOF would seek to purchase supplies in Jamaica to donate to chosen Hospitals. We were very pleased to negotiate with Jamaica Hospital Supplies (JHS). We were also very satisfied with the level of customer services received from this company. They responded to our request promptly, providing detailed proformas with equipment cost, availability etc, and timeframe for delivery if we purchased from them. In addition, their Senior Medical Representative liaised with the Chief Medical Officers of our chosen hospitals to clarify requirements for the chosen equipment. Ongoing technical support for the equipment is also provided by the company.
Spanish Town Hospital, St Catherine and Princess Margaret in St Thomas were the recipients of medical supplies costing approx. £9,000. Both CEOs expressed appreciation to JHLOF.
Spanish Town Hospital: handover by Marcel Smith
On 19th November 2021, I had the pleasure of making a face-to-face donation to the leaders at Spanish Town Hospital. I met with Ms Jacqueline Ellis, CEO and Dr Jacqueline James, Medical Officer, to deliver 2 mobile suction machines, 1 Vital Signs monitor (both essential for a range of departments, including Critical Care) and 3 fetal dopplers.
The hospital staff were eagerly waiting to use the new equipment, especially the dopplers for fetal heart monitoring, as the Maternity Department was particularly busy at that time.
Due to COVID restrictions, we had to follow safety precautions by meeting outside the hospital on one of the corridors where they had set up the equipment for me to view and gave me quite a detailed explanation of how the equipment was to be used.
It’s moments like this that prove how worthwhile and valuable our collective work and partnership is for the people of Jamaica.
JHLOF looks forward to being able to make more contributions to the vital work of this hospital.
Donations to Princess Margaret Hospital, Morant Bay, St Thomas
JHLOF were very pleased to present the following items to the CEO and other senior staff at the hospital (photo below): Cardioline Adult and Paediatric Interpretive Resting ECG machine
- Digital infrared thermometers
- Mobile blood pressure unit

Certificate of Recognition from Princess Margaret's Hospital Jamaica
Good Morning Dr. Collington,
Hope your week is off to a great start! Kindly be advised that the hospital is now in receipt of the ECG and Blood Pressure Machines that were both collected from Jamaica Hospital Supplies last week (please see attached photographs. Others to be sent once ECG is set up). Mrs. March has advised that the thermometers will be delivered once shipment has arrived.
On behalf of the management of the Princess Margaret Hospital, I want to extend our sincerest gratitude to you and your team for your kind and timely donation of these medical equipment. Through your generosity, the quality and efficiency of care provided to our patients undoubtedly will be further enhanced.
With the continued impact of the Covid19 pandemic, the needs/demands of the health services across the globe has increased exponentially and so we are indeed thankful that you have chosen the Princess Margaret Hospital as one of the institutions worthy of your generosity.
The below quote by James Faust nicely sums up our gratitude to you and your team:-
“As with all commandments, gratitude is a description of a successful mode of living. The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.”
We pray that God will continue to bless you and your team in all your endeavors. (Please see attached Certificate of Appreciation)
Best Regards,
Melecia Linton (Miss)
Chief Executive Officer
Princess Margaret Hospital
Membership appeal
We are very grateful to our members and regular supporters who attend our fundraising events and/or donate to the charity. However, we need more active members who are prepared to join the committee and help take the organisation further to build on the success achieved so far.
Membership fee - £20
How to join: membership application form can be found here, or get in touch via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Donating to JHLOF
JHLOF bank details are:
NatWest Bank
Sort Code 60-22-20,
Account No. 11076933
(surname as reference)
Alternatively, email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to start a dialogue regarding financial and/or other support and we can guide you. Thanks in advance
Upcoming activities
Jamaica 60th Anniversary of Independence
Once again JHLOF will be collaborating with a number of other charities, working with the Jamaican High Commission to plan a JA60th gala event in July to celebrate 60 years of independence! We will keep you informed as decisions (within the ongoing constraints of Covid-19) regarding the date and venue, and type of event is confirmed.